10 ways to raise our children’s self-esteem

10 ways to raise our children’s self-esteem: 1. Give them a good name – a name with a good meaning or after a pious person: a name to live up to and hold their heads up high with. 2. Stop labelling them or putting them down! Labels can be very limiting and impact self-esteem (‘the Read more about 10 ways to raise our children’s self-esteem[…]

Fight, Cry & Laugh together

Marriages are not so beautiful, but the relation is… the thing which I like in marriage is that there are two imperfect souls who never gave up on each other. They fight, they lie, they hide, they cheat sometimes, they ignore, they betray, they insult, they give hard times but what may the situation is. Read more about Fight, Cry & Laugh together[…]