Our focus section

Our Mission is “To revive the youth by educating mothers regardless of religion, ethnicity, race or community to make a world a better place to live in; by inspiring & creating solutions for quality education & grooming for our children, parents and young generation.”
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Homeschooler Life

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FaithLife, Family Life & Homeschooler Life

At Ummah Homeschooling, we recognize the importance of the family unit in the education and development of our students. We believe that a strong family foundation provides a supportive and nurturing environment for children to thrive in. Therefore, we encourage parental involvement and prioritize building positive relationships between Parents, Children and families. We also acknowledge the crucial role that mental health plays in the holistic development of our students. We are committed to creating a learning environment that fosters emotional and psychological well-being, and we provide resources and support to students and families who may be struggling. At Ummah Homeschooling, we understand that education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about cultivating healthy relationships and a positive sense of self. By prioritizing the family unit and mental health, we aim to create a learning community that is inclusive, compassionate, and supportive of each Parent, Children's unique needs and strengths.

  • Help to live a faith life

  • To build foundations strong...

  • To help our children to seek brightness

  • Encourage her, Empower her, Help her

It’s All About…

Our Values, objectives & goals

It is the responsibility of every intellectual human being to identify and neutralize the issues that our young generation is facing in today’s world of technology and innovation. We in our core concept are looking forward to engage our toddlers, young generation & youth in such activities which are healthier for their bodies as well as for their souls. Social media is a very innovative & powerful tool if handled carefully, however, at the same time it would not be incorrect to say that it has been one of the biggest Modern Addiction for our youth. Therefore, we are committed to incept following Objectives & Goals to achieve & support our vision and mission.

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Nauman Khan

‎MIS Reporting & Analysis, Business Analysis, Strategic Planning, Financial Management

Fasiha Khan

In short, Fasiha khan a blogger, consultant, and daee’a. fasihakhan.wordpress.com/about

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